17:31 <@ubitux> any reason we keep libmpcodecs/vf_hqdn3d.c?
17:31 <@durandal_1707> inline assembly
17:32 < Compn> you'll have to ask filter man
17:32 <@ubitux> durandal_1707: there is a x86/hqdn3d.asm
17:32 <@durandal_1707> actuall i see no assemly there
17:32 <@durandal_1707> so just remove
17:33 <@durandal_1707> anyone porting any other mp filter?
17:33 <@ubitux> saste is waiting for a review on vf field iirc
17:33 <@ubitux> nyuhu is working on eq filter iirc
17:34 <@durandal_1707> noise looks useful for porting (gonna test it if for fun)
17:34 <@ubitux> and most of the remaining filters are telecine related
17:34 ::: philipl [~philipl@] has joined #ffmpeg-devel
17:34 <@ubitux> assembly in this one hehe
17:35 <@durandal_1707> that kind of assembly is pointless
17:35 <@ubitux> why?
17:35 < Compn> surprised you guys arent porting avisynth filters like some people want :P
17:35 < Compn> ehe
17:36 <@durandal_1707> what avisynth filters?
17:36 <@ubitux> Compn: i'm looking for adding some kind of generic convolution filter which should cover quite a large range of filtering
17:37 <@ubitux> about the filter from avisynth, i had a list
17:37 <@ubitux> and basically, there were two kind of filters
17:37 <@durandal_1707> ubitux: ever heard hdmv_pgs_subtitle
17:37 <@ubitux> 1) telecine/interlacing filters
17:37 <@ubitux> 2) fft video image enhancement
17:37 <@ubitux> durandal_1707: i saw that name
17:37 <@ubitux> but that's all
17:38 <@ubitux> i'm not sure about the benefits of fft for image filtering
17:38 <@durandal_1707> ubitux: there is sample
17:39 <@ubitux> ?
17:39 <@durandal_1707> uhh ffplay works
17:39 <@durandal_1707> i mean subtitle is displayed
17:41 ::: Prottey [~Protagore@] has joined #ffmpeg-devel
17:42 <@ubitux> wtf is down3dright filter
17:42 ::: FelipeS [~FelipeS@unaffiliated/felipes] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
17:42 <@ubitux> it can be done with various filters in lavfi
17:43 <@ubitux> i wonder if we couldn't drop it as well
17:43 <@durandal_1707> stereo movie?
17:45 <@ubitux> dunno, but with a split/crop/scale/overlay it's do-able
17:46  >>> ubitux wonders about the usefulness of dsize too, given the expression system we have in vf scale
17:47 ::: vlad_sta_ [~vlad_star@wn2nat44.beelinegprs.ru] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:47 <@ubitux> not sure if fil is useful too
17:47 <@ubitux> ah vf geq, i really should work on this one one day
17:48 <@ubitux> huhu vf ow, wavelet denoiser
17:49 <@durandal_1707> does any of mentioned filters actually work?
17:49 <@ubitux> down3dright seems to
17:51 <@ubitux> is rectangle useful?
17:52 <@durandal_1707> tried it. is it same as drawbox?
17:52 <@ubitux> rectangle seems to have an automatic color adjustment
17:52 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Ronald S. Bultje bad8e33dc92a: x86: use PRED4x4/8x8/8x8L/16x16 macros to declare intrapred prototypes.
17:52 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Ronald S. Bultje 95c89da36ebe: Use ptrdiff_t instead of int for intra pred "stride" function parameter.
17:52 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Anton Khirnov 02e636425970: FATE: fix (AD)PCM test dependencies broken in e519990
17:53 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Mans Rullgard f454e879238c: configure: rewrite print_config() function using awk
17:53 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Luca Barbato 26b5ad254330: swscale: support gray to 9bit and 10bit formats
17:53 <@ubitux> i'm not sure drawbox supports this
17:53 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Luca Barbato 7658295ba353: pixfmt: support more yuva formats
17:53 <@ubitux> maybe an option could be added
17:53 < cone-18> ffmpeg.git Michael Niedermayer a201639a0128: Merge remote-tracking branch 'qatar/master'
17:53 <@ubitux> tile filter might need some more options to be able to replace completely mp=tile too
17:56 <@ubitux> about yvu9, shouldn't it be part of swscale?
17:57 <@ubitux> same for yuvcsp :p
17:57 < nevcairiel> it should, but are you going to touch swscale to add it?
17:58 <@durandal_1707> swscale does not have them
17:58 <@durandal_1707> ?
17:58 < nevcairiel> swscale fails at converting between different yuv matrices
17:59 < nevcairiel> what does yvu9 do anyway?
18:00 < nevcairiel> yvu9 can apparently be replaced by swscale actually
18:00 < nevcairiel> yuvcsp not
18:00 < nevcairiel> or am i thinking about the wrong plugin again
18:00  >>> nevcairiel checks
18:00 <@durandal_1707> < nevcairiel> swscale fails at converting between different yuv matrices >>> example?
18:01 < nevcairiel> i was thinking of the wrong plugin again, yuvcsp seems also useless
18:01 < nevcairiel> what swscale fails at is what the vf_colormatrix plugin does
18:01 < nevcairiel> ie. convert Rec.709 to Rec.601
18:02 < fflogger> FATE: The following machines have at least 1 test failed: x86_64-darwin-gcc-4.2.1, x86_64-darwin-dragonegg-4.6-3.2, x86_64-darwin-llvm-gcc-4.2.1. Check http://fate.ffmpeg.org/
18:02 <@durandal_1707> ^ what is going on with alsa?
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18:09 ::: viviensc_ [~viviensch@host81-136-191-91.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ffmpeg-devel
18:09 <@durandal_1707> i already have patch that removes yuvcsp and yvu9
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18:13 ::: RobertNagy [~RobertNag@knives.brg.sgsnet.se] has joined #ffmpeg-devel
18:19 <@durandal_1707> what is actual purpose of noise filter?
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18:24 <@durandal_1707> <@ubitux> rectangle seems to have an automatic color adjustment >>>> where?
18:24 < TimNich> nevcairiel:  What does seem to fail is RGB<->yuv with a specified colorspace (-colorspace)
18:25 < nevcairiel> both really
18:25 < nevcairiel> i think its not supposed to do yuv->yuv with a different matrix
18:25 < TimNich> and color_range
18:25 < nevcairiel> but it falls still in its domain
18:26 < TimNich> I wouldn't  necessarily expect that but going from RGB to 709 means going rgb->601 (the default) then using vf_colormatrix, which brings in concatenation errors..
18:27 < TimNich> also I think colormatrix only works on 8 bit
18:28 < nevcairiel> that could be fixed pretty easily, i guess
18:30 < TimNich> be nice if it was. I kept meaning to look at it, but other things needed up more important ;(
18:30 < TimNich> s/needed/ended/
18:33 <@ubitux> durandal_1707: dunno, by default
18:33 <@ubitux> at least the color seems to change automatically
18:34 <@durandal_1707> ubitux: first color can not be set at all
18:34 <@ubitux> durandal_1707: try ./ffplay -f lavfi -i testsrc,mp=rectangle=200:200:10:10
18:34 <@ubitux> and look at the border colors
18:35 < Compn> does ffmpeg have a speex decoder or just using libspeex ?
18:35 <@ubitux> <@durandal_1707> what is actual purpose of noise filter? // generate high bandwidth source?
18:36 <@ubitux> reproduce the noise effect of unavailable videos on youtube?
18:36 <@durandal_1707> ubitux: i think this is caused by colorspace conversion
18:36 <@ubitux> durandal_1707: ah? really?
18:37 <@durandal_1707> should try with thicker border
18:38 <@ubitux> it seems rectangle has a command thing too
18:40 ::: saste [~saste___@dynamic-adsl-78-15-183-15.clienti.tiscali.it] has joined #ffmpeg-devel
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